Author: admin


Pair arrested for Richmond attacks

POLICE have arrested two suspects believed to be responsible for two recent farm attacks at Richmond. This comes in the wake of a second farm attack in two days, as an elderly couple were attacked by suspects who shot their […]


Ixopo: Murder came amid land dispute

“I don’t know what was worse, the assassination of his character or his death.” Veronica Denyssen, mother of Juan Sharpe (35), who was shot dead by an ex-employee of Duma Manzi Game reserve in Ixopo, said this in response to […]


Sleeping gang nabbed

Members of a housebreaking gang were arrested after being surprised while fast asleep in Hopewell near Thornville outside Pietermaritzburg, and goods estimated to be worth about R100 000 were recovered in the early hours of yesterday. Camperdown police, crime intelligence […]


Heist convoy shot ‘mercilessly’

THE sleepy Mid Illovo and Eston farming areas between Pietermaritzburg and Durban had a rude awakening yesterday morning as 18 armed members of a cash-in-transit heist gang and members of a private security firm traded fire in a 20-minute gun […]


Bazonxeshezelwa ngezizumbulu ababoshelwa ubala e-KZN

Amajaji okudluliswa kwamacala eMgungundlovu aphasise isinqumo sokuthi abesifazane ababili banxeshezelwe ngo-R95 000 umuntu ngamunye. Source: Magma Security